"Are You Courageous to Lead?"
Joshua 1:5-7
Thesis: To challenge Christians to lead.
1. Moses was God's servant, mediator, intercessor; but he had died.
2. Joshua succeeded Moses. He was skilled and trained to become Israel's new
Be strong...
I. To Receive God's Blessings (v. 6)
We must make (and take) opportunities to use God's blessings for good.
II. And Unswervingly Balanced (v. 7)
Ephesians 4:15 (contrast Revelation 3:15-16)
"Meditate" and "Do" (v. 8)
III. For God is With You (v.9)
Deuteronomy 31:6-8
IV. And Steadfast (v. 18)
1 Corinthians 15:58
2 Peter 3:14f
What do we learn?
1. Leaders take charge when needed (vv. 10-11)
2. Good leaders follow God's intstructions (vv. 12-17)
3. Leadership is demanding (vv. 17-18)
1. God needs leaders. There's no room for laziness.
2. Not everyone is a Joshua, but may lead in some way.