Discovering The “Neighbor” Within
Text: Luke 10:25-38

Thesis: To discover ways to serve the needs of others.


1. Are you a good neighbor?
2. Jesus wants us engaged in ministry. Are you involved?


This story reveals…

I. The nature of people.
A. Some fail at building others (vv. 31-32).
B. Some excel at building others (v. 33).
C. Others are not concerned with building others (vv. 25, 29, 37).

II. The love of God.
A. Jesus validated the greatest commands—love.
1 John 4:7-10, 20-21; Matthew 22:37-40
B. The Good Samaritan took compassion (v. 33) on a man who was flat on his back and
out cold (v. 30). He further went the second mile in his care (v. 35).
C. Consider those who shut up their compassion.
James 2:15-16; 1 John 3:17-18

III. The heart of a neighbor.
A. Ministry is service; to minister is to serve.
B. You can’t ask or wait to be told; you must go & do.
John 13:1-5ff
C. A good neighbor actively looks for the needs that others have, and he/she meets
them (preemptively).

Hat-Rack Apps: (What do we learn?)
1. Christians should emulate and become the Good Samaritan.
2. You have to be full of good works; your works will be seen.
3. If we excel at life, we should excel in ministry.
4. Doing right is sometimes inconvenient.


1. Jesus is merciful, and he wants us to be merciful.
2. We need to focus on being more attentive to the needs of others.
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