Jesus' Funeral
John 19:38-42

Thesis: To show the importance of living right.

1. All have attended funerals.
2. What would attending the Lord’s funeral be like?

Let us consider...

I. The Setting
A. Matthew 27:57-61
B. Mark 15:42-47
C. Luke 23:50-56
D. John 19:38-42

II. The Funeral
A. It was brief.
B. It was attended by only a few.
C. It was tender and touching.
D. It will live forever.

What Do We Learn?
1. Death is certain (Heb. 9:27).
2. Prepare for death; but plan for life (Jn. 5:27-28).

1. Have you thought about your funeral?
2. Have you planned to live right?
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