Resolutions for the New Year
Luke 6:32-36

Thesis: To plan good character for the New Year.


1. What plans do you have for 2009? Any resolutions?
2. Typical resolutions are losing weight, more exercise, etc.
3. Others characteristics should be considered.
4. Several comments about this list:
A. This list does not encompass all that a Christian must do.
B. This list is the BARE MINIMUM of a Christian’s work.
C. These things do not make one faithful, but faithfulness cannot be attained without
D. These remarks are specific and attainable.


In the New Year, I am resolved to…

I. Spend 15 minutes in the word daily (2 Tim. 2:15).

II. Pray five times daily (Phil. 4:6).

III. Attend worship three times weekly (Acts 2:46-47).

IV. Increase my patience with others (Jam. 1:19).

V. Open my home every quarter to someone who wouldn't necessarily reciprocate
(Heb. 13:2; 1 Pet. 4:9).

VI. Share the gospel plan with someone (Jam. 5:19-20).

Conclusion: (What do we learn?)

1. Christians cannot please God living like the world (Jam. 4:4).
2. Radical change is a part of the Christian life (Lk. 14:34).
3. Plans are great, but you must follow through.
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