"The Heart of the Matter: Where is My Heart"
2 Corinthians 9:6-9
My heart is…
I. Located where and how I sow (v. 6).
Malachi 1:6-2:2
II. As I have purposed (v. 7).
Exodus 35:4-29
Daniel 1:8
III. Made for good works (vv. 8-9).
1. “God is able to make all grace abound toward you…”
2. “…[so] that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things…”
3. “…[you] may abound to every good work.”
4. Consider Psalm 112:1-10.
Where is your heart if…
You never become a Christian?
You stay home and miss services?
You attend the service but never worship?
You become a member but never volunteer or assist with the work?
You are an active part of the church but grumble and complain about others?
Critical of church work?
Consider the words of Elisha A. Hoffman's well-known song "Is Thy Heart Right With God?"
Have thy affections been nailed to the cross?
Is thy heart right with God?
Dost thou count all things for Jesus but loss?
Is thy heart right with God?
Hast thou dominion o’er self and o’er sin?
Is thy heart right with God?
Over all evil without and within?
Is thy heart right with God?
Is there no more condemnation for sin?
Is thy heart right with God?
Does Jesus rule in the temple within?
Is thy heart right with God?
Are all thy pow’rs under Jesus’ control?
Is thy heart right with God?
Does He each moment abide in thy soul?
Is thy heart right with God?
Is thy heart right with God,
Washed in the crimson flood,
Cleansed and made holy, humble and lowly,
Right in the sight of God?