Where Art Thou?
Genesis 3:6-10

Thesis: To show that walking with God is essential.

1. Parents need to know where their children are.
2. God knows where you are; do you?

Where are you? Are you...

I. Hiding in the garden of peace (Gen. 3:9)?

II. Indifference toward brethren (Gen. 4:9)?

III. Sitting in the caverns of self-pity (1 Kgs. 19:9)?

IV. Returning from lucrative schemes (2 Kgs. 5:25)?

V. Selfishly squandering your time (Lk. 17:17)?

What Do We Learn?
1. Begin a study program (2 Pet. 3:18).
2. Pray everyday (Rom. 12:12).
3. Be involved in the church (Acts 2:46-47).
4. Strengthen others and self (Gal. 6:1).

1. God wants us to walk with him each day.
2. It’s easy to get side-tracked from doing what is right.
3. Therefore, we need to reevaluate ourselves regularly to know where are in relation to
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