Achan Was Achin'

Printed in House To House/Heart To Heart

God and worldliness cannot dwell together (Jam. 4:4). One will be exalted, the other rejected (Mt. 6:24). Jesus asked, “What shall a man give in exchange for his life?” (Mt. 16:26) The number of people who trade a better life for sin is disturbing. Without a doubt, sin hurts!
In Joshua 7, Achan was achin’ because of sin. Despite multiple reminders and ample opportunity to repent, he chose to be plagued by his guilt and acknowledge his fault only when Joshua confronted him. Scripture reveals that…

Achan was achin’ because of Israel’s defeat to Ai (7:2-5). In Joshua’s day, God fought for Israel (see Josh. 10:42), but not on that day. When God withdrew his support, Israel knew evil was the cause. Achan also knew that sin was present for it was beneath his tent! He chose to bear his guilt in silence alone.

Second, Achan was achin’ because of Joshua’s public outcry (7:6-9). When the warriors returned in defeat, the people’s hearts melted and Joshua wrestled with his faith. Israel witnessed their leaders tear their clothes, cover themselves in ashes, and fall before the ark until evening. But Achan held his tongue.

Third, Achan was achin’ because of the open tribunal (7:10-18). Perhaps Achan supposed that someone else’s sin caused the calamity. Denial kept him silent as God chose his tribe, his family, his household and finally him. Only when Joshua confronted Achan did he come clean, but it was too late to restore life.

Fourth, Achan was achin’ because of personal sin in his home (7:19-21). Many like Achan have personal sin. People hide sin from others, but only for a time and never from God. Moses said, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Num. 32:23). Solomon asked, “Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned?” (Prov. 6:27) Private sin, if not stopped, eventually has public consequences.

Fifth, Achan was achin’ because of sin’s wages (7:22-26). Sin cost the life of Achan and his family. They were burned and stoned (v. 25) Children are not punished for their parent’s sins (Eze. 18:20), but these children were put to death. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that they were knowledgeable of Achan’s treasure, perhaps even partakers of the crime.

Achan teaches us four things. First, you cannot hide sin. Consider Ananias and Sapphira who attempted to bury their crime but whose transgression buried them (Acts 5:5-6, 10). Second, sin is costly (Rom. 3:26). Someone said, “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay.” Third, God provides opportunities to repent (2 Pet. 3:9); but unless we take advantage of God’s gifts they are meaningless. Fourth, there is a deadline for all men after which point, it will be too late (2 Cor. 5:10; Heb. 9:27).

Achan’s sin cost his family and his nation. God provided opportunity for apology but he did not respond. God wants us to have courage to do what is right.

Dear friend, if you have sin in your life and want to make a complete change, we are here to help you God’s way. Allow us to study with you Heaven’s plan for your soul, and join us as we further the cause of Christ. Request today a Bible Correspondence Course offered free of charge through the mail or on the internet. Check out our website,, and visit us anytime.
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